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Monday, November 30, 2009
Hai Guyz,

Im here to post my last update post before the vacation :)
We've new citizenship items on Chobots for Christmas :)
Take a look
I Luv The Items :D
Bai Bai

Hi, Mimo_rokz here! :) We miss you Yellowhouse! Next month my citizan ship ends. :( What a bummer! Today I have 21 days left! :( Oh well, I like being a non-citizan! Soo Well lets get to the random part. Some people may think I'm weird but, I can't stof listening through the christmas songs! O_o lol

Contest on: (Just click on the link)

Hey guyz,

I got a bad new for you :(
Im going for Vacation tomorrow for 1 month!
I won't be posting or will be on Chobots so I hope you understand me :(
I'll miss you guyz and Chobots
Cya in 1 month

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hello Everyone! I'm a new author! I am new to blogger. But I'm use to it now! I can take and post pictures! :) I can record and post videos but, I doubt I will do that a lot. :) Here is a picture of me!

P.s. Thanks _jess_ for inviting me! Your the best! :) Also I work on Friend21's blog!



Hi ;) I made alot of pictures of snowman for research contest, i also wanted to show them here. I hope you like it :)

Hey :) I made this drawing a while ago and i saw it in my pictures so i wanted to share with you guys :) Its a random drawing of this girl Namine from Kingdom Hearts, which some of you may be playing that game or heard of it. If you have drawings i can show them in my posts just comment the link.

PS: I will soon be posting my new authors, if you want to be an author this is your last day. If you want more information, go to few posts below and look at the post with adding authors.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hey guyz,

There're awesome updates at the Shop! :)
Lets See Them

The Askimo Suit!

The Hair which is for Citizen last time is now for a non-citizen >:D
A new non-citizen dress :)

The Pie shirt is now offically on Sale >:P

Here are some rare items which are back! >:)

Awesome Updates! :D
Thanks Chobots Team!

Hey guyz,

Im here to share with you some videos :P
Firstly,Here is Sightens' Daily Activity Video

And Here is Sightens' Daily Activity2 Video

Last but not least,Josip52's Epic Movie!

Be sure to watch them!
They're all funny and cool vids xD

Thursday, November 26, 2009
Hi everyone :) First of all i want to say thank you to all my blog members, they are all doing great job :) But i think its always good to have more people working on the blogs and making unique posts. If you want to join, include the things below in your comments, also i need authors who can post often enough :). I will be taking maybe 3-4 authors. Good luck

Be sure to include
  • Your chobot name, age and status
  • How long have you been on blogger
  • And please write the link to your blog :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Hey guyz,

Today,Chobots Team made updates at the Clothes Shop and in our Wardrobe
Here are the awesome updates for Citizeens at the Clothes Shop:

The Turkey Suit:
The Corn Backpack:

In Our Wardrobes,there is a new button call Randomize
It will just change our clothes randomly if you click it

Last but not least,Jessie is gonna have her own Shirt soon!
W00t here is how it looks like:

Its awesome! I can't wait to have this lovely shirt!
Im sure you guyz know that this shirt is designed by a Chobot named India :)

I love the updates! :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Hey guyz,

I am back from camp :)
I apologize for not posting for 3 days :((
I'll post back now as much as possible whenever Im not busy
Cya around Chobots

Monday, November 23, 2009

heyy guys sozz loong time no posts eh? LOL ive been depressed so yeah im really sorry, anways there's a new agent on chobots her name is DOLL ,.. as u can see her age she's a pretty rare one, she didnt go through the whole process like being on the poll bcz she deserves to b one, she's pretty famous too bcz of her videos! its cool eh? soo if u see her say haii :D

cya in cho

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Hi everyone, official chobots blog reached 1234 followers,congratz! Hiki had party earlier today :)
Choproff is back in the city, earn some bugs :)
I decorated the blog, it looks very cute right now right? :) I hope you guys like it, happy holidays.

Friday, November 20, 2009
Hey guyz,

Jessie made a B-day Party for Mutey today as Mutey is 400 ;)
If you miss it,here are the pictures for you to review :D

Chobots had fun at the party
If you miss it,don't be sad :)

Happy 400th Mutey :)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Hey guyz,

Chobots Team has increase the bugs if you want to get Cool Citizenship Items as making your Chobots look cool by these items are quite expensive :)

Cool updates,huh? ;)


PS:The picture is from Offical Blog :P
Hey guyz,

I made an early Christmas Pictures for you :)
Take a look

Hope you guyz like it :D

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hey guyz!

The robots are out today!
Here is where the Robot Area is on Chobots
It is between Gamezone and Park where Rockemall usually was
Here is how the Robot Area looks like

Here is one of the pages of the Blue Book,which is Robot Weapon Book

And here is one of the pages of the Green Book,which is Special Weapons

This is my Robot's page like 2 hour ago xD

Anyway,this is awesome!
Thanks Chobots Team!

Monday, November 16, 2009
Hey guyz,

The party was rock!
Although Vayerman wasn't there,Vecna,Jessie and Hiki were there :)
I managed to get some pictures during the party :)

If you missed it,don't worry
There'll alaways be next time

Hey guyz!

Today,we have a special event!
Vayerman is 400! Woohoo!

Happy 400th B-day Vayer!
Chobots love you
Thanks for creating such an awesome Family Game with the other members of Vayersoft! :)

And guess what?
OF course,its party time!

The party is today at 13:00 Cho-time at Shop Square

Cya there ;)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Party with jessie wus awesome! she did lots of magics and it rocked she made it rain tons of stuff! Like a lot, u guys should b thank full about that she made it rain tons of stuff, u shouldnt b begging anymore, its enough for one day dont need to b greedy, and please guys dont begg for it bcz its rude and its a spam, she left like really soon cz she wus lagging cz lots of u guys are begging for rain which is very very rude,. please guys dont begg for rain! b thank full, (:

cya in cho!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

heyy guys meh posting the cutest one LOL, anyways lookie at the pic, if u click sumone's player card on cho it will show this bfore the actual chobot yr clicking, it takes like 3 seconds.. hmmm.. wut do u think this means? maybe the robots? or the trade? who knows? mods do.. its jst weird eh?

cya in cho enjoy yr new wardrobe

Hey guyz

Today,Chobots have 5 catergories in their wardrobes! :D

They're soooooo Awesome!
Thanks for this awesome update,Chobots Team!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Jessie's contest is over, vayerman is dressed up yay. I didnt win maybe next time :) Winners are Peach4424, 66zio and radiostar. Congratz