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Tik Tok

Sunday, December 26, 2010
Hello followers of this blog,
I would like to inform you that I was forced to quit, and that's why you dont see me on anymore. Don't ask why, its a very long story that I dont want to get into to... But it happened a long time ago, so this is my last post. Btw Happy late christmas, and a early new years. Im on winter vaction right now, im in new york, posting from my ipod. I'll be back when winter vacation is over for me (January the 6th) So I guess this is goodbye. Please Authors, remove me from this blog. So long friends I've known for a long time. One of them was really close to me, in fact we have big plans to meet on spring break (Hopefully) So I guess this is bai

Friday, December 24, 2010
Hey everyone :D
it's xmas eve today! (for me)
1 more day till' xmas! woohoo :P
chobots changed the park today! look it.isn't it nice? x]
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Hey :)
Look at this drawing Cp fan drew for Novo! Isn't it nice?
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Hey :D
New items are out!
there are...
-A Turkey hat
-A half eaten chicken that you can hold
-Another hat

I think the half eaten chicken hat is the best. XD
Hey chobots. Guess what?
Theres gonna be a Thanksgiving party! Are you excited? :P Well I hope so.
Heres a pic of last year. (idk i think it was) it was from the Chobots main blog so yeah.

Party time - 22:00 Chobots time.
Party place - Cafe Street

oh and new clothes are coming out so be ready!

Saturday, November 6, 2010
Hey everyone :D
Look what i saw today on cho...
weird right?! O__O

those ppl obviously have main accounts, and are trying to make a new life with their new acc with items.
i dun like it when people do that x3
Sunday, October 31, 2010
hey all x] sorry for not posting.. >_< i wasn't able to be on the computer for about a week. okay anyway, guess what o: chobots is having a halloween party! or should i say, partIES!! heres what hiki posted on the main blog! :
"Hello chobots!

It's so close!!! Just one day till Halloween =)
Good news for you: I'm not gonna make late parties ;) I want everyone to have fun, so I asked our mods for help :)
Parties, magic and fun every hour! Every server! Random locations =)
Don't miss!
Put on your Spookiest outfit! Have fun!"

yay :O im soo excited xD are you?!
oh and btw, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
wow, this year went by sooo fast! :D
be safe everyone! i care for you all <3

get lots and lots of candy! :P
love you all :)
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hai friends =] Today I was looking around cafe street, and I saw a backpack.. that wasn't in the catalogs! But guess what.. Tapity1 made it herself! and the chobots team have it to her personally xD I think its a really cute backpack. heres a pic. Good job tapity1! I really like it :)
Hiya =] Sorry for no posting.. I know I know, there shouldnt be any excuses.. xD I've been pretty busy with junior high now... and its kinda hard for me to get on chobots sometimes. but its okay, i will still be playing on it :D well anyway, guess what?! CHOBOTS IS HAVING A 2 YEAR PARTY! O; and chobot said hes gonna rain VIC shirts! O:! woohoo! i can't waittt!! :D its gonna be sooo fun! on and, heres what the 2 year shirt is looks like xD I hope to see you all there!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Hey everyone :D
I got my feather today!!
Finally, my hard work payed off xDD
I'm so happy i won one! I knew someday I was gonna get one xD
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Hi everyone :)
Sorry for no posting that much.. Its because of school :| Lately its been getting in the way for my computer time xD
Ok so, I saw some stylish chobots today! Here they are :P
(Click to enlarge)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Hello, Chobots! Sparky2k9 here with some sad information... I forgot my old youtubes password and was wondering, could you please subscribe to my new one? The link is below:

Click Here To Go To My Newest Youtube

If yo don't have a Youtube account that's fine, but if you do PLEASE subscribe to me, it would help me out a lot. Thanks guys!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Hey guys look at my bloggers name its Chobot :)

Idk how I did it

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Hey guys I am the new author and i made a cool signature

Hai everybody :] i just made a new signutare :D

Hope you like it :D Leave a comment telling me what u think :]

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Heyy ppl :D Sparky just made my blog magical xD. I rlly like the new template, i hope u do too x) Thanks sparky.
And Bmart caused some problems on this blog im very sorry, i just heard he edited Flying_hawk's posts and added bad words in it and than removed flying_hawk from the blog, so im very sorry about that.
Also i'm thinking of adding few more authors.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Guys, Please dont share accounts, and please dont give AWAY accounts. It is agisnt the rules. Please follow them.
Friday, August 6, 2010

Hey guys! There are new updates in the catalog :D here they are :)

Dear Authors,
I had been removed from the blog for a short period of time, all because a typo. My post saying it was a typo was removed from the blog, and so was I. I just want to say that im not going to abuse this oppurtuinty. Thank you Bmart for readding me too the blog. And _jess_, Thank you for picking me to be a author 2 days ago :] You are very kind. Thank you for your time :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Hey guys! Im Tman2452, a new author on this blog :] Ty _Jess_ :) I will make sure to abuse this oppurtuinty. I hope you have a good day :]

Whats up! Bmartalog here and I am going to post about once a week and try to get some blog banner on this rocking blog!! Please visit my blog: Please follow it and make it famous!! Here is my blog banner:

Cool huh?

Ok cya ya guys later!!

Monday, July 12, 2010
Hi :) Long time no posts... xD So I was pretty busy again lol, i won the chobots project so i got my feather yay :) So summer is here i wish it would never end, i'm having fun, r u doing anything good, going anywhere? Well i was way for few days we went to our summer house with my cuzins its really really quiet there, well we hardly got here like few times a year no one lives there during winter no schools or anything, extremely relaxing near the ocean xP I was like watching the ocean at middle of the night :P So yeah i'm not going anywhere thats really far, school is going to open in september (unfortunately) i'll be in high school wohoo how exciting.... it means more work grr -.-

I changed the blog a lil bit it looks nicer now :D i likeyy xP So theres not much going on at cho well not that I kno so hav fun.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Hello, this project will be for Top Chobots, for Wow's contest. I hope you like it everyone!

From the beginning :)
Hello! Who doesn't like to play on virtual world's when you are really bored, trying new things, meeting new friends. I always liked virtual worlds since i was little, i found them interesting and sometimes just good to escape to another world. I used to play in several different sites, and i heard my cousin talking about this game "Chobots!" I wanted to give it a try, other sites were becoming boring.
I'm on chobots thanks to my cousin, Aqua :)

Into the game
First i learned the rules, they are very clear and easy to follow! I had a tour around chobots, alot of people were volunteering to give tours, i found that very kind and cute. Just one idea i thought "Chobots is PERFECT!" I began playing games and earning money, Chopix mission was a great help, very fast way to make bugs. Other than chopix i loved playing the robots factory :) I started shopping, shops were very different those days, so were the items but it was great :) One great thing about chobots is that, noncitizen gets to do many things too, you will not be left out like in many games. And for those who love fashion, great things to match up, and just playing fashion shows with friends.

I made some great friends, just meeting new people was a great experience for me. Playing chobots made me more kinder to other people and get closer, it also thought me to be not afraid of trying new things because i was a pretty shy person :) Everytime I'm on chobots I love to chat with my friends, listen to their funny jokes and cute comments, see them helping out new chos. It is a perfect place for kids can play and learn to respect others. Also learn to follow rules :)

Citizenship :)

Almost in every game there is some kind of exclusive citizenship! Citizens get more advantages, more items, more parties :) Being a citizen is very fun, you can draw on the wall, buy all the items, attend to secret parties, play Nichos Mission, use more magic, upgrade you house, take your pet outside, have green and bigger chat and you can get into citizens room :) It is super fun, you will enjoy it. When you become a citizen you can choose it 1 month, 6 months, or 12 months. All of them have different exclusive items, and extra bugs given to you, and you will have a citizen badge on your placer card. Awesome right?

Become a Citizen Today!

Become An Agent
Becoming an agent is problably one of the dreams almost every chobot has! Agents help other chobots and keep chobots safe, though you don't have to be an agent to do these things. Be a nice chobot, follow the rules, be known, be smart, help agents and who knows you may become an agent, other agents will recommend you to mods but never ask. You may end up being on the poll if you win you will become an agent, or made an agent by a moderator. Agents get a Agent Badge, access to agents HQ, buy items from the agent catalog, have blue chat. Agents are trusted people on chobots :)
Become an Agent!

Enter contests
Contests are fun parts of chobots, you can find contests almost anywhere the official chobots blog or moderator blogs, also your friends may have contests on their blogs. Contests by Moderators usually have prizes, most chobots work hard to get them, contests are meant for fun not for making yourself upset. There are many great exclusive prizes like red rosette, 1st place medal, scroll, tv remote, microphone, comics, feather, paint brush. There are contests every week, try them its fun :)


Videos! Whats more fun than sitting and watching epic, funny videos made by our dear chos. Some great video makers are William, Kymaster and many more. They make videos quite often and work on video projects. There video projects very often posted on the official blog, you should enter some of them, maybe video making is your talent :) Prize for video contests are cameras, hmm how cool!

Blogging is great, you can post funny things, interesting new information, contests and anything you like, keep those chos happy on your blog, make sure they enjoy visiting it. And try to post often, i know you can get lazy sometimes like me lol. There is blog of the week on Jessie's blog, be sure to visit those great blogs and follow :)
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Hiya people :) I was away for a while xD I'm sorry i actually never got to post this year, im changing somethings on the blog. New template, new header made by my dear cousin Aqua144, (thx so much it rocks) so some new changes you will see xD
Friday, April 30, 2010
Hey Guyz ^^

There're some new agents on Chobots! :D
Welcome to the team! :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Hello Pies & Muffins!

I'm here to tell you that Dianamisaki got hacked!
If you see her on Chobots,thats NOT the real one!

She is using "yhanz" to play Chobots for now

We're trying our best to help her!
For more information about the hacker,go to
Be aware of hackers! D:

Friday, April 16, 2010
Ello Chobots! :))

There're some new items on Chobots! Have you seen them?

I love them! Do you?

Friday, April 9, 2010
Hai Guyz :))

There are some new items in the shop! :)

Flame boots can be bought by real money now even for Non-Citizens! :)
Flying Pizza Board xD -eats-

Flying Disc Board O:

Another suit for Sports 8D

Mask for Non-Citizens! Wohoooo :)

What do you think of the updates? :)
