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Tik Tok

Sunday, October 31, 2010
hey all x] sorry for not posting.. >_< i wasn't able to be on the computer for about a week. okay anyway, guess what o: chobots is having a halloween party! or should i say, partIES!! heres what hiki posted on the main blog! :
"Hello chobots!

It's so close!!! Just one day till Halloween =)
Good news for you: I'm not gonna make late parties ;) I want everyone to have fun, so I asked our mods for help :)
Parties, magic and fun every hour! Every server! Random locations =)
Don't miss!
Put on your Spookiest outfit! Have fun!"

yay :O im soo excited xD are you?!
oh and btw, HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!
wow, this year went by sooo fast! :D
be safe everyone! i care for you all <3

get lots and lots of candy! :P
love you all :)